Case of the Day

31st May 2020

Few Local Reticulation – COVID 19

31st May 2020

COVID 19-Infection

19th May 2020

COVID 19-Viral Infection

19th May 2020

COVID19-Thin Ground Glass Opacity

18th May 2020

Ground Glass Pneumonitis

18th May 2020

COVID-19 pneumonitis

10th May 2020

COVID19-Discrete Hazy Focal Small Pneumonitis

9th May 2020

COVID19-Right Middle Zone Posterolateral Ground Glass Pneumonitis

6th May 2020


6th May 2020


19th February 2019

Right frontal subarachnoid hygroma

Brain- Right frontal subarachnoid hygroma
16th February 2019

Kidney tumor, CT Scan

Abdomen- Kidney tumor, CT Scan
6th February 2019

Arachnoid adhesion

Spine- Arachnoid adhesion,
26th January 2019

Arachnoid adhesion

Spine- Arachnoid adhesion,
6th January 2019

Craniopharyngioma phosphorous injection and shunt, Subdural hematoma, axial T1, GD, ventriculitis

Brain- Craniopharyngioma phosphorous injection and shunt, Subdural hematoma, axial T1, GD, ventriculitis
18th August 2018
Abdomen  Prostate Tumor (2)

Prostate tumor

Abdomen- prostate tumor
4th August 2018

Right kidney Angio mayo lipoma

Abdomen- Right kidney Angio mayo lipoma
4th August 2018

Pelvic cyst

Abdomen- Pelvic cyst
Total Posts: 998
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