Case of the Day

13th February 2019

Internal carotid DSA

Vascular- internal carotid DSA
13th February 2019

C-spine cerebellar Medulloblastoma

Spine- C-spine cerebellar Medulloblastoma
13th February 2019

Cerebellar Medulloblastoma seeding

Spine- Cerebellar Medulloblastoma seeding
13th February 2019

Supra patellar synovial tumor

MSK- Supra patellar synovial tumor
13th February 2019

Breast metastasis

Spine- breast metastasis
13th February 2019

Epidural scar enhancement after surgery (1)

Spine- epidural scar enhancement after surgery
6th February 2019

Talus sub chondral bone defect

MSK- talus sub chondral bone defect
6th February 2019

Tibio fibular synostosis

MSK- Tibio fibular synostosis
6th February 2019

Sub chondral patellar cyst

MSK- sub chondral patellar cyst
6th February 2019

Secondary fusion of C4 C5 C6, Cord gliosis

Spine- secondary fusion of C4 C5 C6, Cord gliosis
13th February 2019

Internal carotid DSA

Vascular- internal carotid DSA
13th February 2019

C-spine cerebellar Medulloblastoma

Spine- C-spine cerebellar Medulloblastoma
13th February 2019

Cerebellar Medulloblastoma seeding

Spine- Cerebellar Medulloblastoma seeding
13th February 2019

Supra patellar synovial tumor

MSK- Supra patellar synovial tumor
13th February 2019

Breast metastasis

Spine- breast metastasis
13th February 2019

Epidural scar enhancement after surgery (1)

Spine- epidural scar enhancement after surgery
6th February 2019

Talus sub chondral bone defect

MSK- talus sub chondral bone defect
6th February 2019

Tibio fibular synostosis

MSK- Tibio fibular synostosis
6th February 2019

Sub chondral patellar cyst

MSK- sub chondral patellar cyst
6th February 2019

Secondary fusion of C4 C5 C6, Cord gliosis

Spine- secondary fusion of C4 C5 C6, Cord gliosis
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