Case of the Day

13th February 2019

Internal carotid DSA

Vascular- internal carotid DSA
13th February 2019

C-spine cerebellar Medulloblastoma

Spine- C-spine cerebellar Medulloblastoma
13th February 2019

Cerebellar Medulloblastoma seeding

Spine- Cerebellar Medulloblastoma seeding
13th February 2019

Supra patellar synovial tumor

MSK- Supra patellar synovial tumor
13th February 2019

Breast metastasis

Spine- breast metastasis
13th February 2019

Epidural scar enhancement after surgery (1)

Spine- epidural scar enhancement after surgery
6th February 2019

Talus sub chondral bone defect

MSK- talus sub chondral bone defect
6th February 2019

Tibio fibular synostosis

MSK- Tibio fibular synostosis
6th February 2019

Sub chondral patellar cyst

MSK- sub chondral patellar cyst
6th February 2019

Secondary fusion of C4 C5 C6, Cord gliosis

Spine- secondary fusion of C4 C5 C6, Cord gliosis
2nd September 2018
MSK  Post Of Abscess After Disc Surgery (4)

Post of abscess after disc surgery

MSK- post of abscess after disc surgery
2nd September 2018
MSK  Olecranon Bursitis Of Elbow (2)

Olecranon bursitis of elbow

MSK- Olecranon bursitis of elbow
2nd September 2018
MSK  Metalic Artifact (3)

Metalic artifact

MSK- Metalic artifact
2nd September 2018
MSK  Lateral Humeral Neck Defect, Fracture (3)

Lateral Humeral neck defect, fracture

MSK- Lateral Humeral neck defect, fracture
2nd September 2018
MSK  Humeral Head Fracture (8)

Humeral head fracture

MSK- Humeral head fracture
2nd September 2018
MSK  Greater Tuberosity Detached Fracture (4)

Greater tuberosity detached fracture

MSK- greater tuberosity detached fracture
28th August 2018
MSK  Fat Fluid Level In Knee Joint (8)

Fat fluid level in knee joint

MSK- fat fluid level in knee joint
28th August 2018
MSK  Dermoid Cyst

Dermoid cyst

MSK- dermoid cyst
28th August 2018
MSK  Cystic Legion Anterior To Achille (4)

Cystic legion anterior to achille

MSK- Cystic legion anterior to achille
28th August 2018

Colon pattern in pelvis

MSK- colon pattern in pelvis
Total Posts: 998
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