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Case of the Day
Genetic and Neuroimaging
Case of the Day
6th February 2019
Right inferior orbital tumor
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Orbit- Right inferior orbital tumor
28th January 2019
Internal carotid DSA
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Vascular- internal carotid DSA
28th January 2019
Vanished D11 vertebra
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Spine- Vanished D11 vertebra
28th January 2019
Secondary fusion of C4 C5 C6, Cord gliosis
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Spine- secondary fusion of C4 C5 C6, Cord gliosis
28th January 2019
Neck fracture of scotty dog at L5, Spondylolysis
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Spine- Neck fracture of scotty dog at L5, Spondylolysis
28th January 2019
Metastatic vertebral body, T1
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Spine- metastatic vertebral body, T1
28th January 2019
Medulloblastoma seeding
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Spine- Medulloblastoma seeding
28th January 2019
L1, L2 fracture and posterior bulging and canal stenosis
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Spine- L1, L2 fracture and posterior bulging and canal stenosis
28th January 2019
Fractured upper endplate of L5 and D12 endostosis, T1
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Spine- fractured upper endplate of L5 and D12 endostosis, T1
28th January 2019
Epidural tumor of Cervicodorsal junction inter foraminal
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Spine- Epidural tumor of Cervicodorsal junction inter foraminal
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frowny man face
Genetics and Neuroimaging
Head and Neck
human body zoo
11 year
14 year
16 Years
17 year
19 year
2 year
24 year
26 yaer
26 year
27 year
29 year
3 fluid level
3 year
30 years
33 year
34 year
36 year
3D C1 C2- fracture C2
3D of facial mandibular fractures
3rd Ventricle colloid cyst
3rd ventricle tumor
3rd ventricular colloid cyst
4 year
47 year
50 year
51 year
57 year
58 yaer
58 year
6 year
60 year
61 year
62 year
63 year
64 year
67 year
7 year
70 year
80 year
85 year
87 year
A calcified tumor
a cyst in lunate and fluid around scaphoid
A cystic lesion above gastrocnemius muscle
a delicate hemorrhage around gastrocnemius muscle
a lytic lesion in cervical V body adjacent vertebral artery
a process around vertebral artery
Abdomen Hemangioma
Abdomen- Abdominal MRA
Abdomen- Abdomino pelvic mass
Abdomen- Accessory spleen
Abdomen- adrenal mass
Abdomen- Anatomy
Abdomen- Anatomy left renal vane
Abdomen- aortic aneurism
Abdomen- appendix abscess
Abdomen- bi lateral hydronephrosis and cystic change
Abdomen- Brain lymphoma in retroperitoneum
Abdomen- Cervical CA
Abdomen- Cervical mass
Abdomen- contrast media in UB
Abdomen- coronal CT nephrogram
Abdomen- CT IVU
Abdomen- cystic tumor of kidney
Abdomen- cystitis
Abdomen- Cystitis and BPH
Abdomen- dermoid tumor
Abdomen- Dilate bile ducts
Abdomen- Dilate gallbladder
Abdomen- dominant right side follicle
Abdomen- Double IVC
Abdomen- Endometrial CA
Abdomen- ERCP and MRCP
Abdomen- excretory MRU
Abdomen- fatty liver
Abdomen- Female pelvic fluid
Abdomen- Free fluid in Pelvic cavity
Abdomen- Gadolinium in urinary bladder
Abdomen- Gall bladder stones
Abdomen- ghost artifact Myelogram
Abdomen- Ghost artifact of right renal cyst
Abdomen- Ghost artifact of urinary bladder
Abdomen- giant liposarcoma
Abdomen- giant liver Hemangioma
Abdomen- Gluteal muscle Rhabdomyosarcoma
Abdomen- hematoma or clot from tumor in urinary bladder
Abdomen- hemorrhagic cyst or dermoid tumor
Abdomen- hiatal hernia
Abdomen- High signal bile in GB
Abdomen- huge size osteophyte
Abdomen- Huge sized Cavernoma Hemangioma of the liver
Abdomen- Hydrometrocolpos
Abdomen- Hydronephrosis
Abdomen- hydronephrosis renal transplant
Abdomen- Iliac vessels aneurism and mural thrombosis
Abdomen- inguinal hernia containing bowel loop
Abdomen- Intrasacral meningocele
Abdomen- Ischemic left kidney
Abdomen- Ischemic left kidney delayed and left side hemorrhagic cyst
Abdomen- Ischemic left kidney delayed and right side stone
Abdomen- Kidney rupturing or tumor
Abdomen- Kidney tumor
Abdomen- large ovarian cyst
Abdomen- Large Pelvic cyst with solid part
Abdomen- large prostate
Abdomen- Large Uterus fibroma
Abdomen- Lateral Meningocele
Abdomen- left adnexal cyst
Abdomen- left adrenal mass
Abdomen- left extra renal hydronephrosis
Abdomen- left kidney or adrenal tumor
Abdomen- left kidney tumor
Abdomen- left kidney tumor and liver metastasis
Abdomen- Left kidney vascular anomaly
Abdomen- Left liver lobe mass and fatty liver
Abdomen- Left Lower Abdomen mass
Abdomen- left renal mass
Abdomen- Liver metastasis
Abdomen- Liver tumor
Abdomen- lung metastasis
Abdomen- metastatic liver
Abdomen- MR Myelogram nephrogram
Abdomen- MR Nephrogram
Abdomen- MRCP
Abdomen- MRCP multiple stones
Abdomen- MRCP Stone in distal CBD
Abdomen- MRCP Wide biliary canal
Abdomen- MRU
Abdomen- MRU Calyceal cyst
Abdomen- Multiple kidney stones
Abdomen- Multiple renal cyst
Abdomen- Myelogram and lymphatic chain
Abdomen- myoma
Abdomen- nabotian cyst
Abdomen- Nephro and Myelogram
Abdomen- normal MR CP
Abdomen- Normal Ovary
Abdomen- Normal rectum
Abdomen- Omental lipoma
Abdomen- operated for Pancreas islet cell tumor
Abdomen- Ovarian cyst CA
Abdomen- Pelvic cyst
Abdomen- Pelvic teratoma
Abdomen- Phleboliths
Abdomen- pre nephric edema
Abdomen- pre nephric fluid
Abdomen- Pre renal edema
Abdomen- Prostate metastasis
Abdomen- prostate tumor
Abdomen- prosthetic cyst
Abdomen- Related to Nephrogram
Abdomen- renal CTA SSD
Abdomen- renal ectopia
Abdomen- renal MRA
Abdomen- Renal transplantation
Abdomen- retroperitoneal Adenopathy
Abdomen- Riedel lobe
Abdomen- right adrenal mass
Abdomen- Right chain Adenopathy
Abdomen- Right Extra renal pelvis
Abdomen- Right hip tumor
Abdomen- Right hydronephrosis
Abdomen- Right kidney Angio mayo lipoma
Abdomen- right kidney atrophy
Abdomen- Right kidney atrophy and hydronephrosis
Abdomen- Right kidney atrophy and small artery
Abdomen- Right kidney tumor
Abdomen- right liver lobe Hemangioma
Abdomen- right ovarian cyst
Abdomen- right ovary chocolate cyst
Abdomen- right para spinal calcified tumor
Abdomen- right sciatic notch tumor
Abdomen- Right side hydronephrosis
Abdomen- right side ureterocele
Abdomen- right ureter and kidney stone
Abdomen- Right ureter Stone
Abdomen- Right ureter stone and hydronephrosis
Abdomen- sclerotic bone metastasis
Abdomen- severe hydronephrosis
Abdomen- Skin cuticles
Abdomen- small left kidney
Abdomen- Small left kidney in dynamic Phase
Abdomen- Small right adrenal mass
Abdomen- small right kidney
Abdomen- small right kidney with hydronephrosis
Abdomen- Spleen cyst
Abdomen- spleen fracture
Abdomen- Splenic cyst
Abdomen- stomach barium meal
Abdomen- Stomach in thorax
Abdomen- stone in gallbladder and CBD
Abdomen- stone in gallbladder neck
Abdomen- Stones in gallbladder and CBD
Abdomen- stones in gallbladder neck
Abdomen- testis tumor
Abdomen- Ureter urinary jet and pelvic fluid
Abdomen- Uterus myoma
Abdomen- uterus sarcoma metastasis
Abdomen- vertebral body osteophyte
Abdomen- Wide Aorta
Abdominal MRA
Abdomino pelvic mass
abnormal cord
Abnormal D11
Abnormal gazing
Abnormal Left pubis T2
Abnormal signal of quadriceps tendon
accessory odontoid process
Accessory spleen
ACL and PCL tear
ACL and PCL Tearing
ACL tear
ACL tear and supra popliteal cyst
Acute myelocytic leukemia
Adenoid tissue
Adenopathy or mass under right sternocleidomastoid
adrenal mass
agenesis of corpus callosum
agenesis of corpus callosum and microcephaly
Agger nasi cyst
air bobble and cerebellar lesion after craniotomy
Aliasing artifact of brain C-spine
Alveolar pattern
ambient cistern lipoma
Anasarca edema
Anatomy left renal vane
and Disc replacement
aneurism and hemorrhage
aneurismal bone cyst
Ankle ostial pits and tumoral condition
Antelisthesis and high AP diameter of psoas
Antelisthesis of C3 and anterior superior edge fracture of C4
Antelisthesis of L4
Antelisthesis of L5 S1
anterior leg subcutaneous cystic lesion
Anterior meningocele
Antro choanal polyp
aortic aneurism
appendix abscess
Arachnoid adhesion
artifact from dental bridging
Asymmetric kidneys
Asymmetric water signal of kidneys
Atresis of right EAC
Axial MRA
axial STIR T2
axial T1
axial T2
axial T2 (1)
Axially AVM
axillary nodes
baby swan head
bankart lesion
Basilar artery aneurism and hemorrhage
Basilar artery thrombosis
Basilar region
Basilar tip aneurism
Beam hardening artifact bi stereotactic devices
Bi frontal sub arachnoid hemorrhage by flair
bi lateral AVN and effusion or fluid
bi lateral AVN and Right hip joint effusion
Bi lateral COM
bi lateral enhanced Adenopathies
Bi lateral femoral AVN
bi lateral femoral head AVN
bi lateral hydronephrosis and cystic change
Bi lateral hydronephrosis and hydro ureter
Bi lateral hydronephrosis and hydro ureter and diverticular urbiary bladder
bi lateral Melanoma or retinal hemorrhage
Bi lateral Pelvic floor fat
Bi lateral Retinoblastoma
bi lateral subdural hematoma
bi thalamus calcification
Big psoas muscle
Bilateral AVN
bilateral COM
Bilateral Lung metastasis
bilateral osteoarthritis of hip joints
Bilateral subdural hygroma
body building
Bone metastatic lesion
Bowel herniation into scrotum
Brain - Axial MRA
Brain - Para occipital horn lipoma
Brain AVM
Brain lymphoma in retroperitoneum
Brain stem tumor
Brain- 3rd Ventricle colloid cyst
Brain- 3rd ventricle tumor
Brain- 3rd ventricular colloid cyst
Brain- A calcified tumor
Brain- Acute myelocytic leukemia
Brain- Adenopathy or mass under right sternocleidomastoid
Brain- agenesis of corpus callosum
Brain- air bobble and cerebellar lesion after craniotomy
Brain- ambient cistern lipoma
Brain- Anatomy
Brain- artifact from dental bridging
Brain- astrocytoma
Brain- Atrophy
Brain- Basilar artery aneurism and hemorrhage
Brain- Beam hardening artifact bi stereotactic devices
Brain- Bi frontal sub arachnoid hemorrhage by flair
Brain- bi lateral subdural hematoma
Brain- bi thalamus calcification
Brain- Bilateral subdural hygroma
Brain- Brain stem tumor
Brain- breast metastatic tumor
Brain- Calvaria metastasis
Brain- Carotid Cyphers
Brain- caudate nucleus calcification
Brain- Cavernoma
Brain- Cavernoma or old hemorrhage (
Brain- cavernomatosis
Brain- Cavernous Hemangioma
Brain- Cavernous Hemangioma of cerebellum containing met hemoglobin superimposed on MRA
Brain- Cavernous Hemangioma of left occipital lobe
Brain- central skull base artifact from dental bridging
Brain- cerebellar atrophy
Brain- cerebellar lesion
Brain- cerebellar shunt
Brain- Cerebral palsy
Brain- chiasma lipoma
Brain- Chiasma tumor
Brain- cord atrophy at C3 and C5 C6 protrusion
Brain- corpus callosum surgery
Brain- Craniopharyngioma
Brain- Craniopharyngioma phosphorous injection and shunt
Brain- craniotomy and cranio plasty
Brain- CT Abnormal White matter
Brain- CTA
Brain- Cystic degeneration parallel to ventricles
Brain- Dermoid surgery before
Brain- diffusion of left peduncle CVA
Brain- ectopic or heterotopic grey mater around sylvian fisher
Brain- enhanced bilateral fatty temporal bone apex
Brain- Enhanced MS
Brain- enplaque meningioma
Brain- Ependymoma and seeding
Brain- Epidermoid cyst
Brain- Frontal bossing
Brain- Frontal bossing and dolichocephalic
Brain- frontal meningioma
Brain- Frontal sinus fracture
Brain- fungal infection
Brain- Glioblastoma
Brain- hippocampus atrophy
Brain- huge meningioma anterior to right middle cerebral artery
Brain- huge size aneurism
Brain- infiltrative tumor of deep parietal
Brain- innominate bone meningioma
Brain- interacerebral hematoma in shrinkage
Brain- ischemic insulas
Brain- large brain tumor
Brain- large empty sellae and frontal Malatya
Brain- Large neoplasm
Brain- Lateral Sinus thrombosis
Brain- left anterior Clinoidal meningioma
Brain- left carotid syphon aneurism
Brain- left carotid syphon duplicate or tortuosity
Brain- Left cerebral peduncle CVA
Brain- left external capsule ischemic change
Brain- left frontal tumor
Brain- Left IAE vestibular schwannoma
Brain- left middle cranial fossa osteoma
Brain- left neck mass
Brain- left parasellar tumor and cortical insult and tumor seeding
Brain- left parietal convexity CVA
Brain- left parietal old Malaysia
Brain- Left side Pons CVA
Brain- left sigmoid sinus thrombosis
Brain- left temporal Cavernoma
Brain- Leukcoencephalopathy
Brain- Leukodystrophy
Brain- Lipoma of corpus callosum
Brain- Lipoma on Quadrigeminal cistern
Brain- lymphoma
Brain- meningioma
Brain- Meningoencephalitis and heterotopy of gray mater around ventricles
Brain- Micro adenoma
Brain- middle cranial fossa sub arachnoid cyst
Brain- MS
Brain- normal hippocampus
Brain- Normal MRA
Brain- Occipital extra cranial tumor
Brain- old insult
Brain- Olfactory groove tumor
Brain- Oligodendroglioma
Brain- Osteoma
Brain- Para ventricular ischemic changes
Brain- Parafalx calcified meningioma
Brain- parasellar meningioma
Brain- Partial empathy sellae
Brain- Patchiony granulation
Brain- periventricular and extra cranial tumor
Brain- Pinealoma
Brain- pons Cavernomas
Brain- Pontin myelinolysis and white matter disease
Brain- porencephalic cyst v.s. Virchow Robin channel dilation
Brain- Post OP tumor
Brain- Posterior skull base artifact from dental bridging
Brain- Putamen nucleus calcification
Brain- right and left vestibular schwannoma
Brain- Right angular artery aneurism
Brain- right frontal old craniotomy and post-surgery sequel and tumor remnant enhancement
Brain- Right frontal subarachnoid hygroma
Brain- right hemisphere GBM
Brain- right hemisphere infiltrative tumor
Brain- right innominate bone meningioma
Brain- Right Para cerebellar arachnoid cyst
Brain- right parasellar meningioma
Brain- right side COM and Small corpus callosum
Brain- Right side retinoblastoma
Brain- right supra parasellar meningioma
Brain- right Willis ischemic change
Brain- S basilar artery
Brain- sebaseal cyst
Brain- Shunt
Brain- Skull base meningioma
Brain- Small cell carcinoma of tonsile
Brain- Small corpus callosum
Brain- Small right Leptomeningeal cyst
Brain- Source image of CTA
Brain- Stenotic and thrombosed right carotid syphon
Brain- subarachnoid hemorrhage
Brain- Subarachnoid hygroma
Brain- Subdural hematoma
Brain- subdural hygroma
Brain- subgaleal hematoma
Brain- Suprasellar hamartoma
Brain- Suprasellar tumor
Brain- T2 Leptomeningeal cyst
Brain- Tentorial enhancement
Brain- thick calvaria
Brain- Thick corpus callosum variant
Brain- Tuberosis sclerosis or lipoma
Brain- tumefactive MS with enhancement
Brain- venus angioma
Brain- Vermis tumor
Brain- vertebral basilar aneurism
Brain- Vertex meningioma
Brain- wide second facial canal variant
Breast CA metastatic liver lesion
breast metastasis
breast metastatic tumor
Breast- CA chemotherapy
Breast- Left breast after radiotherapy
Breast- left side mastitis
Breast- MRM left breast tumor
Breast- MRM left side neoplasm
Breast- MRM right skin thickening
Breast- poly cystic breast
Breast- Post OP breast
Breast- recurrent right breast tumor compressing silicon
Breast- right breast basal cyst
Breast- Right mastectomy and silicon
Breast- Right para Axillary mass breast
Breast- Silicon breast
Brian- frontal abscess
Burst fracture of vertebral body
C cord cavernous Hemangioma
C cord Syringohydromyelia
C-cord Hemangioblastoma
C-spine cerebellar Medulloblastoma
C2 Arch fracture
C3 C4 fracture gibbsity listless canal obstruction and cord compression
C3 Sclerosis
C6 Vertebral Body fracture
C7 bone island or endostosis
CA chemotherapy
cage replaced disc
Calcaria Tendinitis
Calvaria metastasis
canal stenosis
canal stenosis and retroperitoneal lymphatics
Carotid Cyphers
cauda equina lipoma
caudal regression syndrome
caudate nucleus calcification
Cavernoma or old hemorrhage
Cavernous Hemangioma
Cavernous Hemangioma of cerebellum containing met hemoglobin superimposed on MRA
Cavernous Hemangioma of left occipital lobe
CCF or Cavernous sinus anomaly
cellulitis of lumbar region
cellulitis posterior to spinous process
Central Protrusion
central skull base artifact from dental bridging
cerebellar and Vermis hypoplasia and tethering
cerebellar atrophy
cerebellar Cavernoma
cerebellar lesion
Cerebellar Medulloblastoma seeding
cerebellar shunt
Cerebral palsy
cervical anterior meningocele
Cervical CA
Cervical mass
Cheap bone fracture
Cheap bone fracture from femur
Cheap bone fracture of distal tibia
chest metastasis disease
Chest- Alveolar pattern
Chest- Bilateral Lung metastasis
Chest- chest metastasis disease
Chest- Excavated tumor
Chest- high AP diameter and herniated lung into mediastinum
Chest- left lung cavitated tumor
Chest- Left Lung tumor
Chest- Lung CA and bone metastasis
Chest- Lung metastasis from left breast tumor
Chest- Mediastinal mass
Chest- metastatic lung
Chest- Micro alveolar pattern metastasis
Chest- osteosarcoma metastasis
Chest- Pre cardial effusion
Chest- retro carineal Adenopathy
Chest- Right Pleural effusion
Chest- Right sternocleidomastoid effusion
Chest- Sub pleural metastasis
chiasma lipoma
Chiasma tumor
cholesteatoma lateral to ossicles
Chordoma or chondroma or teratoma of sacrum
Cochlea in Coronal
Code fish vertebra
colon pattern in pelvis
color Doppler
Common carotid artery
Conchae bulosa large in the right
contrast media in UB
Conus enhanced tumor
Conus medullarise tumor
cord atrophy at C3 and C5 C6 protrusion
Cord gliosis
Cord tethering
Cord tethering and a sinus tract at L5 S1
Cord tethering and Diastematomyelia
coronal CT nephrogram
coronal reaction of pharyngeal abscess
Coronal STIR T2
coronal T1
Coronal T1 GD
Coronal T2
corpus callosum surgery
covid 19
Craniopharyngioma (1)
Craniopharyngioma phosphorous injection and shunt
craniotomy and cranio plasty
CT Abnormal White matter
CT IVU right side hydronephrosis
CT mylography laminectomy and scar
CT Scan
Cystic degeneration parallel to ventricles
Cystic legion anterior to achille
cystic tumor of kidney
Cystitis and BPH
D10 D11 and D11 D12 facet enlargement
D10 D11 facet enlargement
D12 and L1 fracture
D12 is vanished
D12 L1 tumor or facet enlargement
dark vertebral body
deep schmorls node
Dense C6
Dental metallic artifact
dermoid cyst
Dermoid surgery before
dermoid tumor
detached posterior tibial plateau with PCL detachment
DGD and mal-alignment of C spine
DGD osteophytes and narrow spaces
diffusion of left peduncle CVA
Dilate bile ducts
Dilate gallbladder
dirty Hoffa body
Disc extrusions
disc herniation and uterus myoma
Disc replacement by cage
discoid menisci
dissecting osteochondritis
Distal femoral osteosarcoma
distal leg fracture in tibia and fibula
Distal Tibial Cyst
dominant left vertebral artery
dominant right side follicle
dorsal Diastematomyelia
dorsal Diastematomyelia and corda bifida
dorsal disc extrusion and cord contusion
Double IVC
double posterior cruciate sign
Dural ectasis
EAC Tumor
earing in CT
ectopic or heterotopic grey mater around sylvian fisher
edema and hemorrhage around gastrocnemius muscle and PCL tear
Endolymphatic Sac carcinoma
Endometrial CA
enhanced bilateral fatty temporal bone apex
Enhanced Gliotic plaque
Enhanced MS
enplaque meningioma
ENT- 3D of facial mandibular fractures
ENT- agenesis of corpus callosum and microcephaly
ENT- Agger nasi cyst
ENT- Aliasing artifact of brain C-spine
ENT- ambient cistern lipoma
ENT- Anatomy
ENT- Antro choanal polyp
ENT- Atresis of right EAC
ENT- Basilar artery thrombosis
ENT- Bi lateral COM
ENT- bi lateral enhanced Adenopathies
ENT- cholesteatoma lateral to ossicles
ENT- Cochlea in Coronal
ENT- Conchae bulosa large in the right
ENT- coronal reaction of pharyngeal abscess
ENT- EAC Tumor
ENT- earing in CT
ENT- Endolymphatic Sac carcinoma
ENT- Epidermoid tumor
ENT- Esophagus lesion
ENT- Ethmoidal mass
ENT- Fluid trap in Apex of petrous
ENT- Frontal Osteoma
ENT- frontal sinus fracture
ENT- Frontal Sinus tumor and olfactory groove meningioma
ENT- geniculate ganglion Neurinoma
ENT- Glomus jugular tumor
ENT- high dome left jugular bulb
ENT- high dome left jugular bulb and cholesteatoma lateral to left ossicles
ENT- high dome right jugular bulb
ENT- high dome right jugular bulb and left middle ear tumor
ENT- L4-L5 Antelisthesis and disc herniation
ENT- Laryngocele or cystic tumor
ENT- Larynx
ENT- Lateral Meningocele as variant
ENT- Left CPA Tumor
ENT- left frontal sinus mucocele
ENT- left Glomus tympanic tumor
ENT- left innominate bone meningioma
ENT- Left parotid cyst
ENT- left petroclinoidal meningioma
ENT- left side Adenopathy
ENT- left temporal bone cholesteatoma
ENT- Mandibular hypognatism
ENT- maxillary and right pterygopalatine recess sinusitis
ENT- Nasal Tumor
ENT- Nasopharynx and neck necrotic Adenopathies
ENT- Nasopharynx necrotic tumor
ENT- Nasopharynx tumor
ENT- neck carotid body tumor
ENT- neck left submandibular gland enlargement
ENT- neck mass
ENT- Neck mass or Adenopathy
ENT- neck thyroid goiter
ENT- necrotic Adenopathy
ENT- non developed frontal sinus
ENT- non pneumatized mastoid
ENT- Normal IAC T
ENT- Normal neck MRA
ENT- Oropharynx lipoma
ENT- Ossicular chain anomaly
ENT- palatine tonsil and adenoid tissue
ENT- Pan sinusitis
ENT- par pharyngeal abscess
ENT- para oropharyngeal cyst
ENT- parotid cyst
ENT- Partial Laryngectomy
ENT- Pneumatized clinoids
ENT- Recurrent Melanoma
ENT- right CPA VS
ENT- right side Glomus tumor of middle ear
ENT- Right Temporal bone comminuted fracture
ENT- Right temporal bone fracture
ENT- right vestibular schwannoma
ENT- right vocal cord tumor
ENT- Severe NSD concaved to the right with left side spur
ENT- Sinusitis and rare left inferior turbinate conchae bulosa and right middle conchae bulosa
ENT- sinusitis in conchae bulosa
ENT- skull base variant
ENT- small face
ENT- Sphenoidal sinus mucocele or petechial hemorrhage in brain
ENT- Sphenoidal sinus retention cyst
ENT- Sphenoidal sinusitis
ENT- subcutaneous tumor like sebaseal cyst
ENT- Submandibular Adenopathy
ENT- Teeth root in sinus
ENT- Temporal bone anatomy
ENT- thick tympanic membrane
ENT- TMJ Disc or menisci
ENT- trigeminal nerve and denervation
ENT- Unpneumatized frontal sinus
ENT- Venus contamination in neck MRA
ENT- Vermis hypoplasia
ENT- Wide frontal sinus
Ependymoma and seeding
Epidermoid cyst
Epidermoid tumor
epidural mass
epidural scar enhancement after surgery
Epidural tumor of Cervicodorsal junction inter foraminal
Esophagus lesion
Ethmoidal mass
Excavated tumor
excretory MRU
Extruded cervical
Extruded disc
Extruded L2 L3 and facet enlargement and canal stenosis
extruded L3 L4
Extruded L4 L5 Disc
extruded L5 S1 with upward migration
Extruded left side L5 S1 Disc
Eye lid and cornea
facet blockage
facet effusion and psuas atrophy in Antelisthesis
facet hypertrophy
fat fluid level in knee joint
fat tissue in rectus muscle
fatty liver
feeding vessels of vertebral body
Female pelvic fluid
Fetal brain MRI
fetus MRI accreta and partial hydati form
Fetus- cerebellar and Vermis hypoplasia and tethering
Fetus- Fetal brain MRI
Fetus- fetus MRI accreta and partial hydati form
Fetus- MRI of Fetus
Fetus- US
fibro lipoma
fibro lipoma ( variant)
Fluid trap in Apex of petrous
foraminal tumor
foreign body
Foreign Body in Knee Joint and infection
fractured upper endplate of L5 and D12 endostosis
Free fluid in Pelvic cavity
frontal abscess
Frontal bossing
Frontal bossing and dolichocephalic
frontal floor meningioma
frontal meningioma
Frontal Osteoma
frontal sinus fracture
Frontal Sinus tumor and olfactory groove meningioma
frowny man face
fungal infection
Gadolinium in urinary bladder
Gall bladder stones
ganglion cyst around flexor tendon
Generalize osteoporosis
geniculate ganglion Neurinoma
ghost artifact
ghost artifact Myelogram
Ghost artifact of right renal cyst
Ghost artifact of UB
Ghost artifact of urinary bladder
Ghost artifact urinary bladder
Giant cell tumor
giant liposarcoma
giant liver Hemangioma
Gliotic plaque
Glomus jugular tumor
Gluteal muscle Rhabdomyosarcoma
grade 4 Antelisthesis
grade 5
greater tuberosity detached fracture
hard disc protrusion of L2-L3
hard disc protrusion of L5-S1
Head and Neck
Head and Neck- Lymphoma
Head and neck- TMJ
hematoma or clot from tumor in urinary bladder
Hemorrhage in Adductor Magnus semimembranosus rupture
hemorrhage in supra patellar pouch due to tibial fracture
hemorrhagic cyst or dermoid tumor
Hemorrhagic necrotic hypophyseal adenoma
hiatal hernia
high AP diameter and herniated lung into mediastinum
high dome left jugular bulb
high dome left jugular bulb and cholesteatoma lateral to left ossicles
high dome right jugular bulb
high dome right jugular bulb and left middle ear tumor
High signal bile in GB
hill sachs defect and bone bruising of humeral head and greater tuberosity
Hill sachs deformity
Hip prosthesis and artifact
hippocampus atrophy
huge meningioma anterior to right middle cerebral artery
huge size aneurism
huge size osteophyte
Huge sized Cavernoma Hemangioma of the liver
human body zoo
Human body zoo – old man
Human body zoo – owl or fish
Human body zoo- baby swan head
Human body zoo- devil
Human body zoo- drakhte face
Human body zoo- face of old man
Human body zoo- hejab
human body zoo- human mustache face
Human body zoo- lady hair from back
Human body zoo- Mah gereftegi
Human body zoo- No teeth
human body zoo-- dalghak
Human body zoo-- dog face
humeral head and neck fracture
Humeral Head exostosis
Humeral head fracture
humeral shaft
Humorous metastasis
Hydrated Disc
hydronephrosis renal transplant
hydroxy epoxide
Hyp- large empty sellae
Hyp- Normal Hypophysis
Hypophysis Adenoma
Hypophysis- Hemorrhagic necrotic hypophyseal adenoma
Hypophysis- Hypophysis Adenoma
Hypophysis- Large empty sellae
Hypophysis- left side pituitary gland micro adenoma
Hypophysis- Macro adenoma
Hypophysis- Micro adenoma
Hypophysis- Normal Hypophysis
Hypophysis- Normal stalk
Hypophysis- Tumor and empty sellae
iliac bone pathology
Iliac vessels aneurism and mural thrombosis
in pelvis and abdomen
infiltrative tumor of deep parietal
inguinal hernia containing bowel loop
innominate bone meningioma
interacerebral hematoma in shrinkage
internal carotid DSA
Intradural and extra medullary tumor posterior to L4
Intradural extra medullary tumor
Intradural L5 S1 Tumor
Intramedullary cystic tumor
Intrasacral meningocele
ischemic insulas
Ischemic left kidney
Ischemic left kidney delayed and left side hemorrhagic cyst
Ischemic left kidney delayed and right side stone
Kidney rupturing or tumor
Kidney tumor
kyfpho sclerosis and muscular atrophy
L1 L2
L1 L2 TB Discitis
L12 and L2 Compression fracture
L2 fracture and posterior bulging and canal stenosis
L2 L3 disc herniation
L3 L4 Extruded disc
L3- L4 Protrusion
L4 Antelisthesis
L4 Hemangioma
L4 Hemangioma and endostosis
L4 L5 Antelisthesis and endplate fractures
L4 L5 Foraminal herniation
L4-L5 Antelisthesis and disc herniation
l5 S1 Antelisthesis
L5 S1 Disc hard Extrusion
L5 S1 Extruded Disc
L5-S1 disc and epidural abscess in L5-S1
Lacrimal duct tumor
Langerhans cell histiocytosis
large brain tumor
large effusion in sab acromial space and deltoid bursa
Large empty sellae
large empty sellae and frontal Malatya
large neck meningocele
Large neoplasm
large ovarian cyst
Large Pelvic cyst with solid part
large popliteal cyst
large prostate
Large Uterus fibroma
Large vertebral body replacement
Laryngocele or cystic tumor
Lateral Humeral neck defect
Lateral Meningocele
Lateral Meningocele as variant
Lateral Sinus thrombosis
lateral tibia plateau compressed fracture
Lateral tibia plateau fracture
left adnexa dominant follicle
left adnexal cyst
left adrenal mass
left ankle bone osteoporosis
left ankle ganglion cyst around flexure tendon
left anterior Clinoidal meningioma
Left breast after radiotherapy
left carotid syphon aneurism
left carotid syphon duplicate or tortuosity
Left cerebral peduncle CVA
Left CPA Tumor
left ethmoido frontal mass lesion
left external capsule ischemic change
left extra renal hydronephrosis
Left foraminal disc Herniation
left foraminal herniation
left frontal sinus mucocele
left frontal tumor
left Glomus tympanic tumor
left IAC VS
Left IAE vestibular schwannoma
left innominate bone meningioma
Left intertrochanteric fracture
left kidney or adrenal tumor
left kidney tumor (
left kidney tumor and liver metastasis
Left kidney vascular anomaly
left leg posterior bundle tumor
Left liver lobe mass and fatty liver
Left Lower Abdomen mass
left lung cavitated tumor
Left Lung tumor
left middle cranial fossa osteoma
left neck mass
left optic nerve tumor
Left orbit prosthesis hydroxyapatite
left para central disc herniation
left parasellar tumor and cortical insult and tumor seeding
left parietal convexity CVA
left parietal old Malaysia
Left parotid cyst
Left Pelvic floor fat
left petroclinoidal meningioma
left psoas muscle atrophy
left renal mass
left sacroiliitis
left shoulder loose body
left side Adenopathy
left side mastitis
left side omental fat herniation
left side pituitary gland micro adenoma
Left side Pons CVA
left sigmoid sinus thrombosis
left temporal bone cholesteatoma
left temporal bone fracture
left temporal Cavernoma
Lipo meningomyelocele
Lipoma of corpus callosum
Lipoma of lumba sacral
Lipoma on Quadrigeminal cistern
Liver metastasis
Liver tumor
Loose bodies in popliteal cyst
loose bodies in Tibio fibular recess
Loose body
Lower humeral neck exostosis
lumbar disc bulging
lumbar lateral meningocele
lumbar lipoma
lumbar scar tissue
lunate cyst
Lung CA and bone metastasis
lung metastasis
Lung metastasis from left breast tumor
lymphatic and ghost artifact
Lytic legion of greater trochanter and neck
Lytic lesion of C6
Macro adenoma
Male & Female
man face
Mandibular hypognatism
Mass legion posterior to L3 as extruded disc
maxillary and right pterygopalatine recess sinusitis
means backed handle tearing of posterior horn of medial menisci
Medial menisci posterior horn tear
Medial sclerosis in diabetis mellitus
Mediastinal mass
Medulloblastoma seeding
Meningoencephalitis and heterotopy of gray mater around ventricles
meniscal ganglion cyst
metabolic disease
Metalic artifact
Metallic artifact in L4-L5
Metallic device of lumbar spine
metallic pin in V body
metastatic liver
metastatic lung
metastatic vertebral body
Metatarsal periosteal reaction
Micro adenoma
Micro alveolar pattern metastasis
Microtherapy (
middle cranial fossa sub arachnoid cyst
middle longitudinal
mixoid the generation of anterior horn of lateral menisci
MR arthrography
MR Myelogram nephrogram (1)
MR mylogram and kidney
MR Nephrogram
MRCP multiple stones
MRCP Stone in distal CBD
MRCP Wide biliary canal
MRI accreta and partial hydati form
MRI of Fetus
MRM left breast tumor
MRM left side neoplasm
MRM right skin thickening
MRU Calyceal cyst
MSK- a cyst in lunate and fluid around scaphoid
MSK- A cystic lesion above gastrocnemius muscle
MSK- a delicate hemorrhage around gastrocnemius muscle
MSK- Abnormal Left pubis T2
MSK- Abnormal signal of quadriceps tendon
MSK- ACL and PCL tear
MSK- ACL and PCL Tearing
MSK- ACL tear
MSK- ACL tear and supra popliteal cyst
MSK- Anasarca edema
MSK- Ankle ostial pits and tumoral condition
MSK- anterior leg subcutaneous cystic lesion
MSK- Axially AVM
MSK- bankart lesion
MSK- bi lateral AVN and effusion or fluid
MSK- Bi lateral femoral AVN
MSK- bi lateral femoral head AVN
MSK- Bi lateral Pelvic floor fat
MSK- bilateral osteoarthritis of hip joints
MSK- Bone metastatic lesion
MSK- Bowel herniation into scrotum
MSK- Calcaria Tendinitis
MSK- caudal regression syndrome
MSK- Cheap bone fracture
MSK- Cheap bone fracture from femur
MSK- Cheap bone fracture of distal tibia
MSK- Chordoma or chondroma or teratoma of sacrum
MSK- colon pattern in pelvis
MSK- Cystic legion anterior to achille
MSK- D3 and D4 facet enlargement
MSK- dermoid cyst
MSK- detached posterior tibial plateau with PCL detachment
MSK- discoid menisci
MSK- Distal femoral osteosarcoma
MSK- distal leg fracture in tibia and fibula
MSK- Distal Tibial Cyst
MSK- double posterior cruciate sign
MSK- edema and hemorrhage around gastrocnemius muscle and PCL tear
MSK- Extruded cervical
MSK- fat fluid level in knee joint
MSK- feeding vessels of vertebral body
MSK- Foreign Body in Knee Joint and infection
MSK- ganglion cyst around flexor tendon
MSK- Giant cell tumor
MSK- greater tuberosity detached fracture
MSK- Hemorrhage in Adductor Magnus semimembranosus rupture
MSK- hemorrhage in supra patellar pouch due to tibial fracture
MSK- hill sachs defect and bone bruising of humeral head and greater tuberosity
MSK- Hill sachs deformity
MSK- Hip prosthesis and artifact
MSK- humeral head and neck fracture
MSK- Humeral Head exostosis
MSK- Humeral head fracture
MSK- Humorous metastasis
MSK- Internal metallic fixation
MSK- Intradural L5 S1 Tumor
MSK- l5 S1 Antelisthesis
MSK- large effusion in sab acromial space and deltoid bursa
MSK- large popliteal cyst
MSK- Lateral Humeral neck defect
MSK- lateral tibia plateau compressed fracture
MSK- Lateral tibia plateau fracture
MSK- left adnexa dominant follicle
MSK- left ankle bone osteoporosis
MSK- left ankle ganglion cyst around flexure tendon
MSK- Left intertrochanteric fracture
MSK- left leg posterior bundle tumor
MSK- Left Pelvic floor fat
MSK- left sacroiliitis
MSK- left shoulder loose body
MSK- left side omental fat herniation
MSK- Lipoma of lumba sacral
MSK- Loose bodies in popliteal cyst
MSK- loose bodies in Tibio fibular recess
MSK- Loose body
MSK- Lower humeral neck exostosis
MSK- lunate cyst
MSK- Lytic legion of greater trochanter and neck
MSK- Medial menisci posterior horn tear
MSK- Medial sclerosis in diabetis mellitus
MSK- meniscal ganglion cyst
MSK- Metalic artifact
MSK- Metatarsal periosteal reaction
MSK- mixoid the generation of anterior horn of lateral menisci
MSK- MR arthrography
MSK- normal ACL
MSK- Olecranon bursitis of elbow
MSK- osteoid or tumor of left intertrochanterian lesion
MSK- Osteoma
MSK- para PCL ganglion cyst
MSK- paraosteal osteosarcoma
MSK- Partial tear of PCL
MSK- Patella bi partita
MSK- pathologic fracture of humerus
MSK- PCL tear
MSK- Pelvic floor CA from vagina
MSK- Pelvic Tumor
MSK- pelvis bilateral femoral head AVN
MSK- Pelvis ovarian cysts
MSK- Popliteal and supra popliteal cyst
MSK- popliteal cyst
MSK- post of abscess after disc surgery
MSK- Post OP osteodiscitis
MSK- posterior ankle joint cyst
MSK- posterior horn meniscal tear
MSK- Posterior horn tearing of medial menisci
MSK- Pre patellar cyst
MSK- proximal thigh lipoma
MSK- Proximal tibial lesion
MSK- Quadriceps muscle problem
MSK- Rectum tumor
MSK- retro sacral muscular atrophy
MSK- rheumatoid arteritis
MSK- right achille tendon tear
MSK- right femur fibrous dysplasia
MSK- right gluteal region abscess
MSK- right hip osteo arteritis and cystic changes
MSK- Right Iliac Bone Tumor
MSK- right pelvis renal transplant
MSK- right psoas abscess
MSK- Right quadriceps rupture or ischemic change or myositis
MSK- rotator cuff tear and CVA
MSK- rotator cuff tear and fluid and bone infarct
MSK- Scaphoid cyst
MSK- shoulder joint dislocation is treated
MSK- Shoulder joint loose body
MSK- Sub chondral bone defect
MSK- sub chondral patellar cyst
MSK- subcutaneous cellulitis and lymphatic edema after axially and breast surgery
MSK- supra clavicular mass
MSK- Supra patellar synovial tumor
MSK- Synovial cyst of dorsal wrist
MSK- Talar dissecting osteochondritis
MSK- Talus osteophyte or exostosis
MSK- talus sub chondral bone defect
MSK- Terminal tuft sclerosis
MSK- TFC tear and fluid around scaphoid
MSK- The generated exostosis cap to osteogenic sarcoma
MSK- Tibia osteosarcoma above exostosis
MSK- Tibial Cortical Defect or non-ossifying fibroma
MSK- tibial fracture
MSK- Tibio fibular synostosis
MSK- Torn ACL and PCL
MSK- Torn right ankle joint achille
MSK- Upper Arm Soft Tissue tumor in deltoid muscle
MSK-Posterior Tie intramuscular Lipomatosis and hydrocele
Multiple disc herniation
multiple disc herniation but DDX with tumor at L3 L4 Extrusion
Multiple kidney stones
multiple myeloma
Multiple renal cyst
multiple stones in dilate CBD
multiple V body fusions ( Ankylosing spondylitis)
muscular atrophy of code fish vertebra
Myelogram and lymphatic chain
nabotian cyst
narrow origin of right internal carotid artery
Nasal Tumor
Nasopharynx and neck necrotic Adenopathies
Nasopharynx necrotic tumor
Nasopharynx tumor
neck carotid body tumor
Neck fracture of scotty dog at L5
neck left submandibular gland enlargement
neck mass
Neck mass or Adenopathy
neck thyroid goiter
necrotic Adenopathy
Nephro and Myelogram
no lens in the right
No teeth
non developed frontal sinus
non pneumatized mastoid
normal ACL
Normal Anatomy
normal hippocampus
Normal Hypophysis
Normal IAC T
normal MR CP
Normal MRA
Normal neck MRA
Normal Ovary
Normal rectum
Normal stalk
Occipital extra cranial tumor
Occluded left carotid syphon
odontoid fracture
Odontoid primary non union
old insult
old treated
Olecranon bursitis of elbow
Olfactory groove tumor
Omental lipoma
operated for Pancreas islet cell tumor
optic nerve sheet tumor
Optic nerve tumor
Orbit- Abnormal gazing
Orbit- Adenoid tissue
Orbit- Anatomy
Orbit- bi lateral Melanoma or retinal hemorrhage
Orbit- Bi lateral Retinoblastoma
Orbit- fat tissue in rectus muscle
Orbit- foreign body
Orbit- hydroxy epoxide
Orbit- innominate bone meningioma
Orbit- Lacrimal duct tumor
Orbit- left ethmoido frontal mass lesion
Orbit- left optic nerve tumor
Orbit- Left orbit prosthesis hydroxyapatite
Orbit- Lymphangioma
Orbit- Melanoma
Orbit- Normal Anatomy
Orbit- optic nerve sheet tumor
Orbit- Optic nerve tumor
Orbit- orbital meningioma
Orbit- Orbito nasal tumor
Orbit- retinoblastoma
Orbit- Right globe melanoma
Orbit- Right inferior orbital tumor
Orbit- Right inferior orbital tumor with GD
Orbit- right retinoblastoma
Orbito nasal tumor
Oropharynx lipoma
Ossicular chain anomaly
osteodiscitis of upper dorsal
osteoid or tumor of left intertrochanterian lesion
osteosarcoma metastasis
Ovarian cyst CA
palatine tonsil and adenoid tissue
Pan sinusitis
par pharyngeal abscess
Para occipital horn lipoma
para oropharyngeal cyst
para PCL ganglion cyst
Para spinal fatty muscle fatty change
Para ventricular ischemic changes
Parafalx calcified meningioma
paraosteal osteosarcoma
parasellar meningioma
parotid cyst
Partial empathy sellae
partial empty sellae
Partial Laryngectomy
Partial tear of PCL
Patchiony granulation
Patella bi partita
pathologic fracture of humerus
PCL tear
Pelvic cyst
Pelvic floor CA from vagina
Pelvic teratoma
Pelvic Tumor
pelvis bilateral femoral head AVN
Pelvis ovarian cysts
perineural therapy
periventricular and extra cranial tumor
Physic- Ghost artifact
Physics- Dental metallic artifact
plural effusion and pericardial effusion
Pneumatized clinoids
poly cystic breast
pons Cavernomas
Pontin myelinolysis and white matter disease
Popliteal and supra popliteal cyst
popliteal cyst
porencephalic cyst
porencephalic cyst v.s. Virchow Robin channel dilation
post of abscess after disc surgery
Post OP breast
Post OP osteodiscitis
post OP scar
Post OP tumor
posterior ankle joint cyst
posterior horn meniscal tear
Posterior horn tearing of medial menisci
Posterior inferior cerebellar artery
Posterior skull base artifact from dental bridging
posterior tibial bone bruising
Posterior Tie intramuscular Lipomatosis and hydrocele
Pre cardial effusion
pre nephric edema (1)
pre nephric fluid
Pre patellar cyst
Pre renal edema
Prenephric adema
primary anomaly of odontoid process and canal stenosis posterior to C2
Proceeding of Disc
prostate cancer
Prostate metastasis
prostate tumor
prosthetic cyst
proximal humerus tumor
proximal thigh lipoma
Proximal tibial lesion
pseudo meningocele or Dural evulsion at Dorso lumbar junction
Putamen nucleus calcification
Quadriceps muscle problem
rectum tumor
Recurrent Melanoma
recurrent right breast tumor compressing silicon
referenced image
Related to Nephrogram
renal CTA SSD
renal ectopia
renal MRA
Renal transplantation
retro carineal Adenopathy
retro sacral muscular atrophy
retroperitoneal Adenopathy
Retroperitoneal lymphatic
rheumatoid arteritis
Riedel lobe
right achille tendon tear
right adrenal mass
right and left vestibular schwann
Right angular artery aneurism
right breast basal cyst
Right chain Adenopathy
right CPA Epidermoid
right CPA VS
Right Extra renal pelvis
right femur fibrous dysplasia
right frontal old craniotomy and post-surgery sequel and tumor remnant enhancement
Right frontal subarachnoid hygroma
Right globe melanoma
right globe retinoblastoma
right gluteal region abscess
right hemisphere GBM
right hemisphere infiltrative tumor
right hip osteo arteritis and cystic changes
Right hip tumor
Right hydronephrosis
Right Iliac Bone Tumor
Right inferior orbital tumor
Right inferior orbital tumor with GD
right innominate bone meningioma
Right kidney Angio mayo lipoma
right kidney atrophy
Right kidney atrophy and hydronephrosis
Right kidney atrophy and small artery
Right kidney tumor
right liver lobe Hemangioma
Right mastectomy and silico
right ovarian cyst
right ovary chocolate cyst
Right para Axillary mass breast
Right Para cerebellar arachnoid cyst
right para spinal calcified tumor
right parasellar meningioma
right pelvis renal transplant
Right Pleural effusion
right psoas abscess
Right quadriceps rupture or ischemic change or myositis
right retinoblastoma
right sciatic notch tumor
right side COM and Small corpus callosum
right side Glomus tumor of middle ear
Right side hydronephrosis
Right side retinoblastoma
right side ureterocele
Right sternocleidomastoid effusion
right supra parasellar meningioma
Right Temporal bone comminuted fracture
Right temporal bone fracture
right ureter and kidney stone
Right ureter Stone
Right ureter stone and hydronephrosis
Right vertebral aneurism
right vertebral artery aneurism
right vestibular schwannoma
right vocal cord tumor
right Willis ischemic change
RN scan
rotator cuff tear and CVA
rotator cuff tear and fluid and bone infarct
Sacral scoliosis
Sagittal T2 (
Scaphoid cyst
Schmorls nodes adjacent disc herniation
sclerotic bone metastasis
sebaseal cyst
secondary fusion of C4 C5 C6
severe hydronephrosis
Severe NSD concaved to the right with left side spur
shoulder joint dislocation is treated
Shoulder joint loose body
Silicon breast
Sinusitis and rare left inferior turbinate conchae bulosa and right middle conchae bulosa
sinusitis in conchae bulosa
Skin cuticles
Skin fold
Skull base meningioma
skull base variant
Small cell carcinoma of tonsile
Small corpus callosum
small face
Small foraminal herniation in the left
small left kidney
Small left kidney in dynamic Phase
small meningocele
Small right adrenal mass
small right kidney
small right kidney with hydronephrosis
Small right Leptomeningeal cyst
Source image of CTA
Sphenoidal sinus mucocele or petechial hemorrhage in brain
Sphenoidal sinus retention cyst
Sphenoidal sinusitis
Spine – pseudo meningocele or Dural evulsion at Dorso lumbar junction
Spine – right globe retinoblastoma
Spine- 3D C1 C2- fracture C2
Spine- a lytic lesion in cervical V body adjacent vertebral artery
Spine- a process around vertebral artery
Spine- abnormal cord
Spine- Abnormal D11
Spine- accessory odontoid process
Spine- Anatomy
Spine- Antelisthesis and high AP diameter of psoas
Spine- Antelisthesis of C3 and anterior superior edge fracture of C4
Spine- Antelisthesis of L4
Spine- Antelisthesis of L5 S1
Spine- Anterior meningocele
Spine- Arachnoid adhesion
Spine- Basilar region
Spine- Big psoas muscle
Spine- breast metastasis
Spine- Burst fracture of vertebral body
Spine- C cord cavernous Hemangioma
Spine- C cord Syringohydromyelia
Spine- C-cord Hemangioblastoma
Spine- C-spine cerebellar Medulloblastoma
Spine- C2 Arch fracture
Spine- C3 C4 fracture gibbsity listless canal obstruction and cord compression
Spine- C3 Sclerosis
Spine- C6 Vertebral Body fracture
Spine- cage replaced disc
Spine- canal stenosis
Spine- canal stenosis and retroperitoneal lymphatics
Spine- cauda equina lipoma
Spine- cellulitis of lumbar region
Spine- cellulitis posterior to spinous process
Spine- Central Protrusion
Spine- Cerebellar Medulloblastoma seeding
Spine- cervical anterior meningocele
Spine- Code fish vertebra
Spine- Conus enhanced tumor
Spine- Conus medullarise tumor
Spine- Cord tethering
Spine- Cord tethering and a sinus tract at L5 S1
Spine- Cord tethering and Diastematomyelia
Spine- CT mylography laminectomy and scar
Spine- D10 D11 and D11 D12 facet enlargement
Spine- D10 D11 facet enlargement
Spine- D12 and L1 fracture
Spine- D12 L1 tumor or facet enlargement
Spine- deep schmorls node
Spine- Dense C6
Spine- DGD and mal-alignment of C spine
Spine- DGD osteophytes and narrow spaces
Spine- Disc extrusions
Spine- disc herniation and uterus myoma
Spine- Disc replacement by cage
Spine- dorsal Diastematomyelia
Spine- dorsal Diastematomyelia and corda bifida
Spine- dorsal disc extrusion and cord contusion
Spine- Dural ectasis
Spine- Enhanced Gliotic plaque
Spine- epidural mass
Spine- epidural scar enhancement after surgery
Spine- Epidural tumor of Cervicodorsal junction inter foraminal
Spine- Extruded disc
Spine- Extruded L2 L3 and facet enlargement and canal stenosis
Spine- Extruded L4 L5 Disc
Spine- extruded L5 S1 with upward migration
Spine- Extruded left side L5 S1 Disc
Spine- facet blockage
Spine- facet effusion and psuas atrophy in Antelisthesis
Spine- facet hypertrophy
Spine- fibro lipoma
Spine- fibro lipoma ( variant)
Spine- foraminal tumor
Spine- fractured upper endplate of L5 and D12 endostosis
Spine- frontal floor meningioma
Spine- Generalize osteoporosis
Spine- ghost artifact
Spine- Ghost artifact of UB
Spine- Ghost artifact of urinary bladder
Spine- Ghost artifact urinary bladder
Spine- Gliotic plaque
Spine- grade 4 Antelisthesis
Spine- hard disc protrusion of L2-L3
Spine- hard disc protrusion of L5-S1
Spine- Hydrated Disc
Spine- Intradural and extra medullary tumor posterior to L4
Spine- Intradural extra medullary tumor
Spine- Intradural extramedullary tumor
Spine- Intramedullary cystic tumor
Spine- Intrasacral meningocele
Spine- L1
Spine- L1 L2
Spine- L1 L2 TB Discitis
Spine- L12 and L2 Compression fracture
Spine- L3 L4 Extruded disc
Spine- L3- L4 Protrusion
Spine- L4 Antelisthesis
Spine- L4 Hemangioma
Spine- L4 Hemangioma and endostosis
Spine- L4 L5 Antelisthesis and endplate fractures
Spine- L4 L5 Foraminal herniation
Spine- L5 S1 Disc hard Extrusion
Spine- L5 S1 Extruded Disc
Spine- Langerhans cell histiocytosis
Spine- large neck meningocele
Spine- Large vertebral body replacement
Spine- lateral meningocele
Spine- lateral meningocele as variant
Spine- Left foraminal disc Herniation
Spine- left foraminal herniation
Spine- left para central disc herniation
Spine- left psoas muscle atrophy
Spine- Lipo meningomyelocele
Spine- lumbar disc bulging
Spine- lumbar lateral meningocele
Spine- lumbar lipoma
Spine- lumbar scar tissue
Spine- lymphatic and ghost artifact
Spine- Lytic lesion of C6
Spine- Mass legion posterior to L3 as extruded disc
Spine- Medulloblastoma seeding
Spine- Metallic artifact in L4-L5
Spine- Metallic device of lumbar spine
Spine- metallic pin in V body
Spine- Metastasis
Spine- metastatic vertebral body
Spine- MR mylogram and kidney
Spine- MS
Spine- Multiple disc herniation
Spine- multiple disc herniation but DDX with tumor at L3 L4 Extrusion
Spine- multiple myeloma
Spine- multiple V body fusions ( Ankylosing spondylitis)
Spine- muscular atrophy of code fish vertebra
Spine- myelomeningocele
Spine- Neck fracture of scotty dog at L5
Spine- Normal Anatomy
Spine- odontoid fracture
Spine- Odontoid primary non union
Spine- osteodiscitis of upper dorsal
Spine- Para spinal fatty muscle fatty change
Spine- perineural therapy
Spine- post OP scar
Spine- Prenephric adema
Spine- Retroperitoneal lymphatic
Spine- Sacral scoliosis
Spine- Schmorls nodes adjacent disc herniation
Spine- secondary fusion of C4 C5 C6
Spine- Seminoma
spine- Skin fold
Spine- Small foraminal herniation in the left
Spine- Subcutaneous cellulitis
Spine- Tuberculosis
Spine- upper disc protrusion
Spine- upper end plate compression fracture of L2-L3
Spine- V body cyst
Spine- Vanished D11 vertebra
Spine- Vertebral body fracture and grafting
Spleen cyst
spleen fracture
Splenic cyst
Stenotic and thrombosed right carotid syphon
stomach barium meal
Stomach in thorax
stone in gallbladder and CBD
stone in gallbladder neck
Stones in gallbladder and CBD
stones in gallbladder neck
Sub chondral bone defect
sub chondral patellar cyst
Sub pleural metastasis
subarachnoid hemorrhage
Subarachnoid hygroma
Subcutaneous cellulitis
subcutaneous cellulitis and lymphatic edema after axially and breast surgery
subcutaneous tumor like sebaseal cyst
Subdural hematoma
subdural hygroma
subgaleal hematoma
Submandibular Adenopathy (
supra clavicular mass
Supra patellar synovial tumor
Suprasellar hamartoma
Suprasellar tumor
sylvian syndrome
Synovial cyst of dorsal wrist
T2 Leptomeningeal cyst
Talar dissecting osteochondritis
Talus osteophyte or exostosis
talus sub chondral bone defect
Teeth root in sinus
Temporal bone anatomy
Tentorial enhancement
Terminal tuft sclerosis
testis tumor
TFC tear and fluid around scaphoid
The generated exostosis cap to osteogenic sarcoma
the generative
thick calvaria
Thick corpus callosum variant
thick tympanic membrane
Tibia osteosarcoma above exostosis
Tibial Cortical Defect or non-ossifying fibroma
tibial fracture
Tibio fibular synostosis
TMJ Disc or menisci
Torn ACL and PCL
Torn right ankle joint achille
trigeminal nerve and denervation
Tuberosis sclerosis or lipoma
tumefactive MS with enhancement
Tumor and empty sellae
Unpneumatized frontal sinus
Upper Arm Soft Tissue tumor in deltoid muscle
upper disc protrusion
upper end plate compression fracture of L2-L3
upper end plate of L2 fracture
upper labral detachment
Ureter urinary jet and pelvic fluid
Uterus myoma
uterus sarcoma metastasis
V body cyst
Vanished D11 vertebra
Vascular- Anatomy
Vascular- Aterosclerosis
Vascular- Basilar tip aneurism (
Vascular- Brain AVM
Vascular- Common carotid artery
Vascular- dominant left vertebral artery
Vascular- internal carotid DSA
Vascular- narrow origin of right internal carotid artery
Vascular- Occluded left carotid syphon
Vascular- Posterior inferior cerebellar artery
Vascular- Right vertebral aneurism
Vascular- right vertebral artery aneurism
Vascular- Vertebral artery aneurism
venus angioma
Venus contamination in neck MRA
Vermis hypoplasia
Vermis tumor
Vertebral artery aneurism
vertebral basilar aneurism
Vertebral body fracture and grafting
vertebral body osteophyte
Vertex meningioma
viral pneumonia
Wide Aorta
Wide frontal sinus
wide second facial canal variant
with GD
X-ray Mamogram
11th October 2018
ACL and PCL Tearing
Contributed by
MSK- ACL and PCL Tearing
11th October 2018
ACL and PCL tear, posterior tibial bone bruising
Contributed by
MSK- ACL and PCL tear, posterior tibial bone bruising
11th October 2018
Human body zoo– dog face
Contributed by
Human body zoo– dog face
11th October 2018
Severe NSD concaved to the right with left side spur
Contributed by
ENT- Severe NSD concaved to the right with left side spur
11th October 2018
Pneumatized clinoids
Contributed by
ENT- Pneumatized clinoids
11th October 2018
Earing in CT
Contributed by
ENT- earing in CT
11th October 2018
EAC Tumor
Contributed by
ENT- EAC Tumor
11th October 2018
CA chemotherapy
Contributed by
Breast- CA chemotherapy
11th October 2018
Wide second facial canal variant
Contributed by
Brain- wide second facial canal variant
8th October 2018
Stenotic and thrombosed right carotid syphon
Contributed by
Brain- Stenotic and thrombosed right carotid syphon
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